The Gulls (UK)
On a Tuesday night in November 2019 I met Will Fairhead (frontman/singer) at a blues jam in Tufnell Park, London. We jammed, chatted, laughed and the rest is history… The Gulls were born!
Since that moment a lot of cool things have happened:
January 2022: released our new single ‘Glass Eyed’.
December 2021: wrapped up 7 months of (non-stop) touring throughout the entire UK, with a sold out show at Gullivers in Manchester.
November 2021: release of our debut music video, based around Album track ‘The Bear’.
October 2021: physical album release for Don’t Feed The Gulls + first official sale in a record shop; The Music Machine in Sittard (NL).
September 2021: Start of the Don’tFeed The Gulls album tour throughout the UK, which will go on till the 3rd of December.
August 2021: debut album ‘Don’t Feed The Gulls’ has been officially released, followed by an album launch show at the Camden Assembly in London.
May 2021: ‘The Impossible Tour part 3’, our most ambitious project yet: touring throughout the whole UK for 7 months in a row. Being filmed by Sky Sports News was one of the many highlights!
November 2020: after finishing our 2nd ‘Impossible Tour’ we ended up in locked down France, to record our debut album in an abandoned chateau, with studio engineer Bertrand Charlet (Skip The Use).
October 2020: ‘The Impossible Tour part 2’, for the first time in Europe (Germany & The Netherlands).
August 2020: started doing something crazy: touring during the pandemic. Along the south coast of England we went on an adventure: ‘The Impossible Tour part 1’.
May 2020: the release of our debut (double) single ‘Peanuts & Cherries’. To get your own daily portion of peanuts & cherries, find it on: Spotify or iTunes.
January 2020: after our first rehearsal in January, we went on stage for our debut gig on the 30th of January, at The Jago in London.
For more information about our next adventures, please visit our website, or follow us on our socials: Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.